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I live with disabling illness and chronic fatigue. It has ta

BeitragVerfasst: Montag 25. September 2017, 19:09
von Kira
I live with disabling illness and chronic fatigue. It has taught me to ask for help.

By Litsa Dremousis

September 23,2017

Remember the last time your WiFi went out? How you felt alone in an empty world?

You tried to restart it yourself, to no avail. Then you called tech support, which was as helpful as pouring glue down a clogged drain.

You were baffled that no one had answers and, odds are good, your language wasn’t suitable for kids for the next 90 minutes.

Exasperating, right? Something important you’d taken for granted went awry through no fault of your own, and your day was totally upended.

Now imagine that your health is your WiFi, that disability or chronic illness is the outage, that tech support are folks who truly mean well but don’t know what to do, and that your upended day is each moment of the rest of your life.

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