UNSAFE: Die Wahrheit hinter alltäglichen Chemikalien/ Video

UNSAFE: Die Wahrheit hinter alltäglichen Chemikalien/ Video

Beitragvon Nachtigall » Mittwoch 12. August 2015, 07:12

UNSAFE: Die Wahrheit hinter alltäglichen Chemikalien

Earth Focus Episode 59 - UNSAFE: The Truth Behind Everyday Chemicals

Veröffentlicht am 12.12.2013

Find more Earth Focus content at https://www.linktv.org/earthfocus
There are tens of thousands of chemicals in our air, water, and in the everyday products we use. They are largely unregulated and few are adequately tested for safety. They contribute to disease and are linked to conditions such as asthma, autism, ADHD, diabetes, cancers, infertility, cognitive disorders, obesity, reproductive disorders and birth defects. Earth Focus looks at endocrine disruptors, ubiquitous chemicals that affect development, metabolism, fertility and intelligence at extremely low doses and at what measures could be taken to better ensure public safety.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VAUh9Q ... e=youtu.be
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