Buch: Toxische Parfüms

Buch: Toxische Parfüms

Beitragvon Lucca » Montag 30. Januar 2012, 14:40

Ein Buch über unsichtbare toxische Inhaltsstoffe in Parfüms.
Leider nur auf Englisch.

Get a Whiff of This: Perfumes (fragrances) -- the Invisible Chemical Poisons

Get A Whiff Of This will educate people and, therefore, give readers the knowledge they need inorder to protect their health and the health of their loved ones. Incidents of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), which has become an alarmingly growing epidemic in the U.S., asthma, and central nervous system and neurological disorders are on the rise. Women are being diagnosed with breast cancer at younger ages. Read and learn what expert doctors have to say about breast cancer and the perfume connection - and much more...

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Registriert: Samstag 20. Januar 2007, 21:42

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