Vortrag Dr. Klinghardt / Dr. Mutter

Vortrag Dr. Klinghardt / Dr. Mutter

Beitragvon schlumpf » Montag 7. April 2008, 18:56

Vortrag Dr. Klinghardt / Dr. Mutter über Umweltgifte, Amalgam usw. in der Uni Freiburg


Vortrag Dr. Klinghardt / Dr. Mutter

Beitragvon Kerstin » Dienstag 8. April 2008, 15:19

Der Vortrag ist einfach super. Kann ich nur jedem weiterempfehlen.
Gibt es einen Link oder eine Adresse zu der empfohlenen Info-Broschüre?
Beiträge: 322
Registriert: Donnerstag 1. Februar 2007, 19:21

Vortrag Dr. Klinghardt / Dr. Mutter

Beitragvon Phönix » Dienstag 15. April 2008, 19:37

Ja, ich finden den Beitrag auch Klasse. Mit den Versuchen, Nervenzellen mit Hg in Verbindung zu bringen, bestätigt sich auch das Ergebnis der Studie der Technischen Universität München, aus der hervor geht das:

\"Die Ergebnisse sind, wie Melchart erläutert, nicht eindeutig: „Während sich Monozyten insbesondere gegenüber geringen Dosen von Quecksilber als unempfindlich erwiesen, reagierten Lymphozyten deutlich empfindlicher. Wir haben auch festgestellt, dass sich Zellen nach einer Amalgam-Exposition weniger gut auf Stresssituationen wie Fieber oder Umweltgifte einstellen können.“

O.k. da steht nun nicht welche Zellen, aber ich denke mal grundsätzlich Zellen (Blut,Nerven,Lympe). Für die Leute die MCS Hauptsächlich durch Amalgam bekommen haben, eine sehr gute Nachricht, da Aussicht besteht, das die MCS sich stark abschwächt oder sogar ganz verschwindet, wenn man Hg vernünftig und komplett ausgeleitet hat.

Sind hier solche Fälle bekannt oder irgend jemandem?

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- Editiert von Phönix am 15.04.2008, 19:42 -
Beiträge: 182
Registriert: Samstag 10. Februar 2007, 16:48

Vortrag Dr. Klinghardt / Dr. Mutter

Beitragvon Marina » Sonntag 4. Mai 2008, 16:22

Hallo Schlumpf,

vielen lieben Dank für den Link der beiden hochinteressanten Vortragäge. Ich hab mir heute 2,5 Stunden Zeit genommen dafür.

Liebe Grüße

Hat schon jemand hier Erfahrungen sammeln können mit den Korianderkraut-Tropfen? Und wie geht dieses Fußbad, was braucht man dafür?
Beiträge: 1260
Registriert: Sonntag 10. Februar 2008, 18:55

Vortrag Dr. Klinghardt / Dr. Mutter

Beitragvon Karlheinz » Dienstag 6. Mai 2008, 08:17

Kleine Erläuterung zum Thema Klinghardt:

Wenn die seine Entgiftungsbehandlung mal nicht funktioniert liegts an der verkorksten Psyche:

Klinghardts Detoxification Axiom:

"For each unresolved psycho-emotional conflict or trauma there is an equivalent of stored toxins and an equivalent of pathogenic microorganisms. To successfully detoxify the body the three issues have to be addressed simultaneously."

"Für jeden ungelösten psycho-emotionalen Konflikt oder Trauma gibt es ein Äquivalent an gespeicherten Giften und ein Äquivalent an pathogenen Mikroorganismen. Um den Körper erfolgreich zu entgiften müssen alle drei Probleme gleichzeitig angegangen werden."

A Comprehensive Review of Heavy Metal Detoxification and Clinical Pearls from 30 Years of Medical Practice, Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD



Psychological issues:

There is a strange but largely overlooked association of metal toxicity and psychological issues.

I found that often when the client has a breakthrough in psychotherapy her/his symptoms become temporarily worse. This is often falsely believed to be a healing crisis (immune system acivation). In this situation the client´s urine will often show high levels of toxic metals with out a provocative agent being used. The psychological intervention has led to a release of deeply stored toxins. I developed a targeted rapid approach to resolve related psychological issues called „applied psychoneurobiology or APN“, which is a form of muscle biofeedback assisted counseling.

The Klinghardt Axiom and the Triad of Detoxification:

By experience I found the following to be true: each unresolved psycho-emotional conflict or each unresolved past trauma causes the body to lose the ability to successfully recognize and excrete toxic substances. Also each entanglement or limiting connection with another family member, unhealed relationships and unhealthy, non-life affirmative attitudes limit the organisms ability to detoxify itself. In fact, the type of retained metal or other toxin and the body compartment, where it is stored, can be predicted with a high degree of certainty by knowing what type of unresolved psycho- emotional conflict is present in a client and at what age the associated event occurred.

For each unresolved psychological issue there is an equal amount of toxins stored in the body.

When the patient starts to effectively detoxify on the physical level, repressed emotional material moves from the unconscious to the more superficial subconscious part of the brain. Instead of feeling better from the lessened toxin burden, the patient will often start to experience unpleasant inner states of being, e.g. tension, anxiety, sadness or anger. This is commonly mistaken as a side-effect of the medications used for detoxification or as an unspecified “detox reaction”. When this emotional material is not dealt with, the body stops releasing further toxins - the tension or discrepancy between the unresolved psycho-emotional material and the already released physical toxins is too large. Both are out of balance – the toxin container is less full then the container with the unresolved emotions. Unless appropriate psychological intervention is chosen as the next step in treatment, detoxification cannot progress.

Things are further complicated by the increased activity of microorganisms such as fungi and molds, bacteria, viruses, prions and different species of mycoplasma during a detox program. Insecticides, herbicides, wood preservatives, mercury, and other toxins are used by us with a single purpose – to stop the growth of microorganisms and other unwanted pests in the outside world (farm fields, materials and furniture made from wood, to preserve food, etc.). When these toxic agents have entered our inner environment (via the food chain, air, water, skin contact or amalgam fillings) they have the same effect in us. They stop the growth of microorganisms – at a price: they also harm the cells of our body. As the patient is detoxifying from these agents, microorganisms may grow out of control, since the growth of the microbes is no longer inhibited by the poison. Paradoxically, it is the toxin induced impairment of our immune system that enables the microorganisms to enter our system in the first place. Once established, they are hard to conquer and removing the causative toxin is no longer enough. The organism needs help with the elimination of the infectious agents.

The flare-up of previously hidden infections occurs regularly during mercury detoxification. Historically, this fact is well known: mercury was used quite effectively for treatment of the bacterial spirochete causing syphilis. Some people died from side effects of the treatment, but many people lived after eradication of the infection. The reverse happens, when we withdraw mercury from the body: spirochetes, streptococci and other microorganisms present in many hiding places (such as the red blood cells, the jaw bone, inside the lateral canals of a root filled tooth, inside the calculus of a bone spur, in the soft tissues of a whip-lash injured neck, in the gray matter of the brain etc.) may start to grow and extend their hold on us. Microorganisms use their respective neurotoxins to gradually achieve control over our immune system, our behavior, our thinking, and every aspect of our biochemistry. It is the microbial neurotoxins that are responsible for many, if not most poison related symptoms, not the poisons themselves.

For each equivalent of stored toxins there is an equal amount of pathogenic microorganisms in the body (Milieu theory of Bechamp)

Patients who are infected with Borrelia burgdorferi, the spirochete which causes Lyme disease, often are unaware of their illness. They may have some joint pains or fatigue, but nothing that alarms them. However, frequently they start to become more symptomatic during or after a successful mercury detoxification program: they may experience MS-like symptoms such as muscle weakness, increased levels of pain, numbness, fatigue or mental decline. The same is true for infections with mycoplasma, streptococci, tuberculosis and others. Therefore, it is important to anticipate the temporarily enhanced growth of microorganisms during a successful detox program. There is a latent period in which the microorganisms are already recovered, but the host’s immune system is not. During this time the practitioner has to prescribe appropriate antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, and antimycoplasma medications. I prefer natural solutions which are often sufficient - or even better in the long run then medical drugs - such as freeze dried garlic, bee propolis, colloidal gold and microbial inhibition microcurrent frequencies.

The immunesystem in a client with unresolved psychoemotional material and compartmentalized toxins is unable to recognize and eliminate the microorganisms present in the toxic areas of the body. Those areas serve as hiding and breeding places for these organisms. Unfortunately they have been termed “stealth organisms”, implying that they behave in secret unpredictable ways, that they have learned to evade a perfectly evolved and functional immune sytem. There is a fear, that they are slowly gaining control over us and that there is really nothing we can do about it. We can, if we understand the triad of detoxification.

The Detoxification Axiom:

For each unresolved psycho-emotional conflict or trauma there is an equivalent of stored toxins and an equivalent of pathogenic microorganisms. To successfully detoxify the body the three issues have to be addressed simultaneously.
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Registriert: Freitag 1. Juli 2005, 20:01

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