Hilfe beim Übersetzen von engl. Texten

Hilfe beim Übersetzen von engl. Texten

Beitragvon Lucca » Dienstag 26. Mai 2009, 21:13

Ein Tipp für Leute, die sich an englische Texte rantrauen.

http://www.leo.org ist zwar gut für einzelne Wörter, aber für Redewendungen ungeeeignet.


New translation tool linguee.de

Anyone who does a lot of translating from German to English or English to German has probably encountered the limitations of LEO.org. Sometimes you need to translate a phrase or a sentence and LEO is not very helpful at all. Of course you can use automatic translation tools, but the results are often more humorous than useful.

Here’s a really cool tool that you might want to try: http://www.linguee.de

Type in any phrase in English or German and Linguee will search if other bilingual websites have already translated it. It will then give you many possible translations to choose from. Most importantly, these are all human translations and not machine translations. Linguee.com is still in beta phase, but it’s already quite useful!
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Registriert: Samstag 20. Januar 2007, 21:42

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