Doku:Die mysteriöse, unerträgliche Welt der vielfachen chemi

Doku:Die mysteriöse, unerträgliche Welt der vielfachen chemi

Beitragvon Kira » Sonntag 3. Januar 2016, 19:51

Die mysteriöse, unerträgliche Welt der vielfachen chemischen Empfindlichkeit

World of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

A documentary about people who’ve fallen sick to an illness doctors can’t even agree exists

What would you do if you developed debilitating symptoms that doctors told you were made up, and that your real, physical suffering was all in your mind? Welcome to the frustrating world of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), a mysterious illness originally thought to be a figment of the sufferer’s imagination. Drew Xanthopoulos is delving into this world with a feature-length documentary The Sensitives, currently in post-production.
... ... .jikda93yd

The Sensitives - a feature documentary ... ocumentary
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