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31. Oktober 2013
Zusammenfassung von Lindsey Konkel
Gemeinsame Insektizide können mit Verhaltensauffälligkeiten bei Kinder verbunden werden
Oulhote Y, MF Bouchard. Jahr 2013. Harnmetaboliten des Organophosphate und Pyrethroide Pestiziden und Verhaltensprobleme in der kanadischen Kinder. Environmental Health Perspectives. .
Insektizide, die üblicherweise in Haushalten verwendet werden, können nach einer neuen Studie von Forschern in Québec, können bei Kinder mit Verhaltensprobleme, zugeordnet werden. Die Studie ist einer der ersten, die die möglichen gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen der Pyrethroide, die in mehr als 3.500 kommerziellen Produkten, einschließlich floh Bomben verwendet werden und roach Sprays, untersuchte ...
Common insecticides may be linked to kids' behavior problems
Oct 31, 2013
Oulhote Y, MF Bouchard. 2013. Urinary metabolites of organophosphate and pyrethroid pesticides and behavioral problems in Canadian children. Environmental Health Perspectives.
Synopsis by Lindsey Konkel
Insecticides commonly used in households may be associated with kids' behavior problems, according to a new study by researchers in Quebec. The study is one of the first to investigate potential human health effects of pyrethroids, which are used in more than 3,500 commercial products, including flea bombs and roach sprays.
Insecticides commonly used in households may be associated with behavior problems in children, according to a new study by researchers in Quebec.
The study is one of the first to investigate potential human health effects of pyrethroids, which are used in more than 3,500 commercial products, including flea bombs and roach sprays.
The findings raise some questions about the safety of the compounds, which have replaced other insecticides with known risks to children’s brain development. Exposure to pyrethroids, which kill insects by interfering with their nervous systems, is widespread because they are used inside homes and schools, in municipal mosquito control and on farms.
In the study, the urine of 779 Canadian children between the ages of 6 and 11 was tested, and their parents answered questions about each child’s behavior. ... ... s-behavior
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#Pyrethroid #Pestizid #Verhaltensauffälligkeiten #Kinder #Studie #Québec